Yoga Class Prices for Renee's Small Group classes
Drop In -- $15 per class
6 class pass -- $75 ($12.50 per class, saving $2.50 off the drop-in price)
You can pay through Venmo with this link online (or the Venmo app @Renee-Allen-Yoga )
or you can pay Renee in class by check or cash.
While there are no refunds on Renee's Small Group yoga class passes, you are welcome to gift or sell your pass to another person.
Yoga classes at Toadal Fitness are included in the Toadal Fitness Membership. You can also inquire about a drop-in fee at the desk.
Beach Yoga classes (booked privately) -- $100
**$25 extra if you'd like me to provide mats)
Group Yoga Session (booked privately) -- $100 ($125 if I supply props)
Private or Semi-Private Yoga sessions (any location) -- $100 per single 1-hour session
$80 per session when 5 sessions booked ($400 total)
Click here to download a waiver and either bring it signed to class your first time.